Please help! Am I pregnant?


I'm so confused! I lost a baby during my 18th week of pregnancy on June 10th. I bled for about a week and started having u protected sex after the bleeding stopped. July 9th I got what I thought was an irregular period..(I took a few pt thinking maybe it's implantation bleeding and I did get a few vvfl but a couple negatives. The bleeding was really light on and off for about 5 days .. after the period/spotting stopped I started BD and started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>... on cd 10(July 18) I thought I may have had a surge but wasn't sure so I kept tracking. On cd15(july 23rd) I had a surge again. This time I was sure it was a surge because the line was darker. So now I decided to take a pt because I started feeing dizzy this morning and I see this very faint line.. I have no idea what's happening and when I got pregnant if I am! Hers my ovulation tacking and my most recent pt from today 7/24