anyone else letting their 6 month old sleep wth a lovey?

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

I started giving my daughter a lovey when she goes to bed a few weeks ago. she has always gone to sleep at night on her own, since day 1. but not naps, so she gets blankets and snuggies and all kinds of cozy things at naptime since I'm awake and supervising. I think that's part of why she started to have a little trouble putting herself to sleep at night. I've been taking the lovey (it's only a 6 or 7" square of minky dimple dot fabric) out of her bed when I go to sleep since she'd technically be unsupervised but tonight I'm letting her keep it. just had her 6 month shots so hopefully if she gets restless that will help her soothe herself. she's also still next to my bed in her pack and play, not sure if I'll let her keep it through the night when she's in her room.. but I'm not too worried since she's always playing peekaboo by herself during the day, she's plenty capable of moving it if it's on her face. she mostly keeps it arm's length away so she can reach out and feel it. anyone else's babe sleeping with a lovey these days?