Negative friend during pregnancy

Blythe • 34 years young. Pregnant with #1 after 11 months TTC! EDC 3/24/2018

So I just wanted thoughts and to vent I guess to my fellow future March mommies! I told one of my close friends that I was pregnant after she kept asking me all of these questions in regards to if I was going to see the doctor about infertility and was I going to keep going to acupuncture and etc. finally I just told her no, Im pregnant and have a doctors appt Monday. In hindsight I should have just told her we were going to wait to see what happens, because after I told her she had all of these negative remarks and really left me feeling like crap.

The first thing she said was be ready for changes. Changes in your marriage, your body and your life. Ok. Obviously I'm ready for these changes and knew they were coming. I'm excited for the change. Then she starts telling me oh and you'll feel horrible during your pregnancy so get ready for that. You'll feel fat and sick. Umm not exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm 6 weeks pregnant now and I feel great! I'm looking forward to being pregnant and all that comes with it! Then again I'm also a positive person. Then she goes on to tell me I'll have horrible mood swings and be rude to my husband. I get that she had all of these things but I was really tired of her projecting everything onto me. I have never been rude to my husband. I'm usually pretty in tune with my emotions and if I find myself having a rough day I let my husband know. I'm just not the kind of person to blame my actions and words on something else or to be mean to someone when I don't have to be.

Am I being silly about this? I just think this is a wonderful time and was kind of annoyed that this friend was ruining all of that. I want to enjoy this time. Any advice on this one ladies?