Anybody else experiencing this in the fourth leap?


My 4mo is about a week into her fourth leap and I've noticed the last few days she has been a lot fussier at the boob and feeding a lot more frequently, and I'm just wondering if anybody else is experiencing this throughout their baby's leap?

Before the leap she was going 3.5-4 hour stretches between breastmilk feeds, now I'm lucky if I can get her to wait 3 hours, day or night, and after about 10-15 mins on the boob she'll pull away or push the boob away and just look around or grizzle then decide to go back on. Very frustrating when I know she just needs milk lol. I don't think it's any more than just fussing though, i try to burp her when she comes off and nothing comes up, and it's not reflux because we take measures to prevent/deal with that :/