first date with ex?

please dont skip this question, all advice is helpful :) but please dont advise me to not go on this date or something along those lines

so i dated this guy for ten months and he knew i had depression, anxiety, and trust issues. he was patient and tried his hardest and helped me through them and was supportive and caring and amazing, despite the fact that i acted like a bitch and made him miserable.

at one point my phone broke and he let me borrow his phone for a month until i got mine back. on there, he was thoughful and downloaded my favourite games and apps on there. however he forgot to log out of his social media and i snooped, without a reason to.

on there i found him defending me every time his friends were insulting me and he was saying the sweetest things about me and it made me tear up. i basically read all the messages between him and his friend which must have been embarrassing for him because i scrolled up and found porn from before wr were dating.

he knew i had trust issues so when he found out (not from me which makes it worse) he asked me about it and got frustrated because i denyed it five tuimes in a row and basically made him lose the ability to trust me anymore.

he broke it off because i acted manipulative and absolutely horrible to him when he treated me better than expected

i asked him if we could try after i went through therapy, and he told me he didnt know who i was anymore because after all these months of acting this way i convinced him and all his friends that i was a bad person. he said "we can go out after therapy and go from there and see if that was a good decision or not"

he is hesitant with reason. how should i act on that date for him to see me in a new light? i dont want it to come off as fake and i want him to have fun. should i apologize? i feel like it will be awkward because he is quite hesitant but after a two month break and me going to therapy that is proof i have changed.

thank you forr all the positive answers :)