
I'm due in October and currently live with my parents and siblings. I just found out that my parents have bought tickets for an out of town concert the week after my due date and will be gone for two weeks afterwards. My brother will be out of the country from September to November and my sister will be out of town at another concert the week of and then staying at a friend's house while my parents are gone. My child's father isn't involved at all and I don't have any close friends or other family nearby. So I'm basically going to be alone for the birth of my child and for a few weeks afterwards. I know it's not their responsibility to take care of me or my baby and I don't want to ask them to put their lives on hold for me but I feel kind of hurt that they won't be here and are leaving me all alone at such a time. Especially after they'd promised to help me and be there for the birth of my child. Do I have the right to be a little upset or am I just being selfish?