

Long story short, I had my Mirena removed on the 12th of this month. I had such heavy and prolonged bleeding that I ended up at the doctor last week to see what was going on. On the 26th I had a pelvic ultrasound and the tech said I may be infertile because there were so many follicles in my ovaries. My husband and I had unprotected sex that night but I was still bleeding lightly so we thought we were safe. OB called the next day and said everything looked fine and said to use birth control because I was ovulating and fertile. Yesterday when I went to the bathroom there was pink tinged mucus and I've been mildly crampy. Not enough to bother me just noticeable. What are he chances that I could end up pregnant and when should I test? I didn't have a period with Mirena so I don't know when my next one is due. This would be our second child and I had positives with that pregnancy a week after conception.