Glows guidelines...


So i just read a topic on someone saying they disliked homosexual people and that they were "taught" to be that way... while i could never agree with such a statement i did reply in a non-hate honest and trying to inform way because it sounded like this person was more misinformed or just grew up with this thought and maybe someone has never sat down to give an open conversation to talk about, no heat just a chance to see it from a different angle. well before the person could even see my response someone reported it and glow took it down. Here's my issue. If people are talking, not yelling, not calling names just honestly trying to talk about it then what is the problem? While yes most people won't be persuaded to change their minds i still feel that if the aurthor had gotten to read my response that an informed conversation could of been had. while yes the topic wasn't ideal if you take away the option to openly talk about hard subject then there is absolutely no chance for change atleast talking about it you have a chance to enlighten someone or broaden their mind. whether its abortion, lgbtq, vaccines, anything... when you take away the ability to talk about it then that closed minded person is still close minded. it would be different if people were telling her that she's a bitch or for her to kill herself those comments are not okay but we shouldnt be shielded just because its a tough subject and its not the popular opinion... i just dont understand why glow would restrict a grown up conversation like that. rant over. p.s. treat other they why you would like to be treated, love one another and be open minded the world isnt black and white.