Should I go to the hospital?


Yesterday I started having really bad BH contractions but they were very maybe one or two an hour so I didn't even bother counting them. I was awakened around 7 this AM to mild contractions every 10-15 minutes. Wasn't too worried because I had my 40-week Appt & my 2nd membrane sweep at 940.

The doc did my Sweep which hurt like hell(worse than my first one) to find out I'm now 3CM dilated & 50% effaced. As of now my contractions have picked up in frequency and intensity but I don't know if it's because of the sweep or if I actually need to go to L&D.; I'm 40+4 by the way so I'm not wanting to get my hopes up too bad for nothing when I'm scheduled for induction this Thursday.! Posted below is my contractions timer just for reference