UGH People 😒


Okay so here's the deal, a couple topics below me someone decided to rant about over population and how we should adopt instead of reproducing. Now, based off of the limited knowledge I have and my PERSONAL belief (not fact please don't mistake me for someone who's throwing facts at you.) The issue is not the amount of people on Earth! The issue is the amount of greed and hatred and desire for power. The problem isn't a number, it's the human race as a whole organism! We as one are KILLING the planet, while many steps have been taken by a handful of people to improve our world it won't be enough to save it in the end. If we truly and I mean whole heartedly want to save this planet, the human race throughout the entire world, not just a part of it needs to hop on board and start making an effort to reverse the damage we've done. Yes technology is great and has helped us so much! However it's also technology that is destroying us! We spend our lives behind our screens waiting for things to happen. It's time to stop waiting and start changing! Start motivating! Our kids have phones and can use them without any trouble by the time they're three! What happened to going to the park? Or playing in your yard? What happened to teaching our kids how to garden or to cook? What happened to the face to face? Now kids would rather sit with their face in game barely hearing a word we say! Now kids would rather have an iPhone than a doll house or monster truck! Now our kids want money for apps on a phone rather than money for a new toy. More often than not a kid who's barely old enough to talk will ask you for your phone instead of a stuffed animal. I'm 20 not very old at all about to have my first kid. I remember growing up in the yard with my grandma gardening, on the kitchen counter with her helping her cook. I remember going to Home Depot garden section and choosing flowers I wanted to see grow. I'd plant them and take care of them and every year I got the pleasure of seeing the flowers bloom. I remember playing in the front yard pretending it was my castle, using sticks as wands and rocks and chairs pulling up grass dirt and picking a couple flowers to make "potions" now kids are playing "Bubble Pop" and "Angry Birds". We no longer live in a world with free thinkers, THATS the problem. Imagination is gone dream and hobbies are nothing but a vague memory to us. The exception being ones like me, sadly were few and far between.