Fuck you Universe!


Today nothing can go according to plan! It started with an intense episode of sleep paralysis. Never been so panicked and anxious in my life. When I tried to vlog about the experience I only realised after 4 and a half minutes of talking that I had been recording in slow motion mode on my phone's cameraThen I couldn't get my toddler to cooperate in getting ready for school. Eventually when we were all dressed and ready to go, i could not find my keys for a whole hour. I found them under the collapsed camp cot. I have nearly been in a car accident twice today. My head feels thick and confused. Likes its constantly preoccupied. So I go out to the shop and notice that my baby girl made a poo in her nappy. When I tried to change her I realised I had no nappies or wet wipes in my baby bag. I have knocked over my drink twice and when I got home I could not find a single pack of wet wipes. Fuck fuck fuck. I seriously quit doing today.