Please stay out of my relationship?

🌸Soft Mimi🌸 • I like soft things and also not soft things?

Very long post.

So the other day i was in public and some random lady looks over my shoulder while im texting my boyfriend. She does this like... shriek of outrage and starts telling me that the way we treat each other is disgusting. Then went on a tirade about young people or something.


Me and my boyfriend have the same sense if humour. When we first met, i was in a group of people telling dead baby joke, holocaust jokes, 9/11 jokes etc. he walks up and delivers the PERFECT line. And i fell in love pretty easily.

We always call each other "cunt", "whore" or any other derogatory term that pops into our heads. We have COMPETITIONS to see who can diss each other the best. We hoke about domestic abuse, women being inferior to men, how im smarter than him and hes the stupidest person alive, and hitler. Quite a lot of hitler tbh.

We joke about domestic abuse BECAUSE hes a giant teddy bear. He accidently hit me and was crying and begging me to forgive him for like 10 minutes. He doesnt have the CAPABILITY to be a shithead.

We joke about me being inferior to him BECAUSE we have so much respect for each other that we BOTH know it isnt true. He constantly says im too good for him, even!

We joke about cheating BECAUSE there is no way in HELL either of us would do it. I wouldnt do it because i dont need anyone else. He wouldnt do it because all of his previous girlfriends have cheated on him, he knows what its like. And he would rather hurt himself than hurt me.

We joke about him being dumb BECAUSE hes smart even though he doesnt show it!

(And we joke about hitler bc what he did was aful but he was a HELLUVA politician. Just to clarify. Hes awful.)

We make fun of each other BECAUSE we can take each other insecurities and make them something we LAUGH at. We joke about suicide and body issues and our families! Ive always used comedy to cope, and so has he! We just FIT.

And i totally respect if you think these things should never even be JOKED about! I get it! Its just OUR way of coping.

But you CANNOT look over MY shoulder. Read a conversation with MY boyfriend of THREE YEARS. And then LECTURE me about MY relationship!

If you're offended. Whatever. But its MY business. Not YOURS.