What would you do?

Ok, this is my situation. My husband works evenings and I work mornings so he can have some time with our son, 7th month old. We overlap about 3 hours, my dad and my sister take care of the baby dieting those hours. His mom also wanted in this rotation.. because she wants to not because I need it. They live far, so she comes to me... I come home from work to a messy house and needing to cook and take care of baby alone after I get him from my sisters or my dads. So on Thursday I spend most of my day freaking out cleaning because.... on Friday I know she will be here and she will clean if it's note and kind of throw it in my face. Lately she's been inviting people while she takes care of him.. to my house.. her daughter and her husband.. clearly I don't get along with them. I have told my husband that if they want to come over they need to ask if it's ok. I don't know what to do. Am I being irrational? To want to know if people are coming over to my house? I would like to clean and be a good host but on Fridays I'm just so exhausted that all I want is quiet time with the baby. What would you do?