Dealing with the Mother in Law

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

So this is more of a venting session, but the other day I went to visit my husband's family and brought my LO (we flew cross country to visit friends and family while my husband had to stay home) my mother in law, who is a first time grandma was super excited to see my LO. I actually saw her a few days before visiting the rest of the family since I knew she would want to get some one in one time and I told her that Sunday was the time for him to get to see the aunts, uncles, and cousins. Well the day came to visit the rest of the family and she arrived before the majority of the family showed up. As soon as she showed up she took him from my arms (without asking...) and walked away (without telling me where she was going). I'm a FTM so I had a mini freak out and chased her. In order for her to give him back when I asked, I had to tell her I had to change his diaper. She did not want to give him up and it was a small fight for her to put him down or to give him to other relatives who wanted to see him. Throughout the day, she would take him from relatives or me and walk off. When I would say anything she would start to cry and say that I should understand she's just excited because its her first grandchild. I don't know how to deal, I couldn't see her the rest of the trip because I was so frustrated. There's a line and she kept crossing it. It made me appreciate living cross country (and I never say that!)