So over this

Sex with my boyfriend is all about him. He doesn't take care of me before sex or after. And if he even cares to touch me it's half assed and goes nowhere. I don't take long to orgasm I can get there myself in less than 2 minutes (I've timed it). Been together three god damn years and hasn't once taken the fucking time to know my body and get me there. Barely ever goes down on me. But he wants a blowjob before sex every time. And if it's not a blowjob it's a handjob and he wants me to do it until he's about to cum meaning our sex lasts maybe five minutes at max, but then it's all go for thirty seconds stay still trying to not to cum until he can't hold it anymore. He knows I can't orgasm from sex alone. He used to at least go 2 times every time we caught up now it's once and he's too tired to go again. Like fuck off cunt. I'm so over this. So over this selfishness. So over the sex is only for him. It's not fun anymore. I don't get anything from it. I try so hard to make it fun. I do everything he asks. But nope all about him no one else. Maybe 30 times over the course of three years he's made me orgasm. But that's with me guiding him every single time and doing it myself so that I'm close so he only has to do like ten seconds of work.