Postpartum Depression(2 Weeks PP)

So many things have made me an emotional wreck this past week. My daughters umbilical cord fell off, I and as excited as I was to give my baby her first real bath, I got emotional because time is fleeting. The more I look at my daughter's little face, the more I see the face of my estranged husband. I spent the last seven months of my pregnancy separated from him due to the stress and abuse we both created towards each other. I lived in Georgia and he lived in Virginia. He missed the birth of our daughter due to me having an emergency c-section. When I called him after the surgery, he informed me that he didn't care about me. He's in the Navy, and he wasn't able to come see her until yesterday. He's been in Georgia for two days now and has only spent five minutes of that time visiting her. Even after everything, I found myself missing the good times we had together and what little love we shared between us. I vented my feelings to him in hope that there was something left, and he informed me very clearly that he did not want me anymore. That was a strong blow to the heart and it has thrown me into a dark hole. I've lost my appetite, and can only eat what I force down. I can hardly talk without crying. It's hard to even be around my daughter because she reminds me of everything that's gone. A part of me hopes that God will fix our relationship, but part of me feels like this is just punishment for all of the wrong I've done. I guess I'm just venting here in hopes of some encouragement at the end of a really rough week.