What anxiety really feels like...IT IS REAL

I just saw a post on here, where's woman posted about her anxiety, and how it was making her feel... the remarks I saw were crazy 'are you sure you're not bi polar' 'seems like you have abandonment issues' 'you need psychiatric help' .... are you for real? I'll tell you once and for all, for those of you who don't have a clue what anxiety feels like... and those of you that do and want to add on be my guest...

I suffer from generalised anxiety

1) you feel alone, like you're fighting lifes battles on your own, you could be married or have a great supporting family and you still feel like you're carrying the world on your shoulders!

2) you worry constantly about life, like you could have all the money in the world and you constantly think 'what happens if I loose my job, what happens if there's a fire and I loose my house, etc'

3) you have the ability to make irrational thoughts rational!

4) you are never good enough! No matter what you do in life you will never feel like you are doing what matters or benefiting the world in any way shape or form.

5) you have breakdowns, mostly over your irrational thoughts!

6) everything has to be planned... lists upon lists are made just so you can try and make sense of the mess that's in your head

7) and when your plans don't go to plan... you have a breakdown because change and the unknown is just the scariest thing!

8) no one understands what you're going through and you get told to 'calm down' or 'stop overreacting' on a daily basis

9) and when you do try to explain you either get treated like a mental case or as if you're making it up!

10) and then starts the vicious cycle of feeling all alone again...

Anxiety is hard... it stunts a persons growth and self belief it can make a person needy and dependent and i know the signs because I live them everyday! This is for all my GLOW community friends that suffer with Anxiety! Don't listen to those who don't understand! It is not our job to make them understand although we all spend too much time trying to get them to! We are not alone!