Husband Kissed Stripper

My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. Three of which we've been married. Last week, I told my husband I'm bisexual (I fully realized 4 years ago). He was angry, mean, yelled at me and said some extremely offensive things. We've been talking about it all week to the point where I found him sobbing. Last night, he told me he kissed a stripper five years ago and wanted to cheat on me that night but did not. He told me because he assumed that I had cheated on him and that I would share my cheating story as well. I don't have a cheating story. I've never cheated on him. Yes, I withheld information about myself because I was afraid of his reaction and what it would do to us. He had been asking me lately and I want to be honest with him. I feel as though he cheated on me. While he said he doesn't feel as though it was cheating, he assumed I would share a cheating story after him (which tells me he knows it was). I don't want to be with a cheater. Half of me is trying to figure out how to coordinate the separation of our belongings and the other half is trying to figure out if I can trust him ever again. Any insight is appreciated.