

my boyfriend lives 45 minutes away from me, so we usually switch off which one of us drives out to see the other. as of recently, we've been arguing a bit more. i have only seen him twice in two weeks, because he doesn't really ever ask to hang out and i don't want to bother him by asking all the time. i've driven out to his place the past four or five times. i asked him what he was doing today (which seems fairly self-explanatory that i want to see him), and he has to ask his dad if i could come over (he's nearly 21). i respect that fully, but we could always go hang out at the lake by his house, or the skate park, or to get food. he hasn't suggested we hang out in weeks, and when he does, i'm the one that has to drive over. it makes me feel extremely unwanted, that i'm putting in effort he isn't. all i want is for him to want me, and to prove that. i'd talk to him about it in person but i never see him. i feel unwanted, undesirable, and not good enough every single day that shit like this happens. when i see him, i'm always the one to initiate sex, and even then it takes him half an hour or longer to get the hint, and i hate it. i just want to feel wanted, and for the effort in putting forth to be reciprocated.