How to tell MIL to f*ck off?!


Okay, first I have a 5 year old daughter from my previous marriage. My current hubs and I have our two week newborn now. It's his first child and his mothers first grandchild. She is being crazy. She's already the crazy MIL. She insist to DH that our son is dehydrated (I am EBF and supplementing with formula every now and then) she insists on this because he clusters feeds, and uses me as a pacifier. She doesn't realize any of this because DH was just the "perfect" baby and only used her boobs as food. She even demands that she goes to the doctors appt with me. I'm like HELL NO to DH. Now DH does not agree with her but he tries to keep the peace because she is overbearing. EVERY TIME she visits she always ask "can he have a bottle" and will let him scream, give him a paci and everything before she hands him to me for the boobs. She even said "she'll regret letting him use her as a pacifier" well bitch I may but not right now. I love our bonding. She gets offended very easily so I don't know how to deal but the fact she's running off to DH and telling him I making bad choices as a parent and insist she's right. 🙄🙄 DS has plenty of wet and poopy diapers. I know he's fine.