Religion Conflict


My boyfriend is Jehovah's witness and i am Catholic. Neither of us are extreme in our views but we both like the way we were raised with our faiths. However, i recently did my own research on jw and while i know the people are not bad and their intent is not bad, i don't like the vibe of the organization or the politics of the group and i would not like to raise my children into that. I ofc want them to be baptized and do all their catholic sacraments and be raised to go to. church. My bf and i just had an argument about it bc i told him this is what i want, and he wants to raise them on what he was taught and allow them to choose if they want to be baptized jw or not. I think it's best to be raised more concretely into a religion however i'm not opposed to them researching other beliefs or learning about jw and deciding for their own when they are old enough to be confirmed. sorry this is so long but anyway, my bf got mad bc i'm vegan and i want to raise my kids vegan and catholic and he says i just want everything my way in this relationship. I see how he thinks that and I do feel bad for kind of attacking his religion (though this was kind of unavoidable when explaining why i don't want my kids in it) but i don't think there is anything bad with the way i want to raise them. Yes i am saying i want them both vegan and catholic but i know these are the best ways to raise them, they are good for both their health and to make them good caring little humans. Should i agree to letting him raise them in his religion just because he's "letting me" raise them vegan??