Tripped at work

Hi all,

I am currently almost 33 weeks pregnant and recently tripped over a hose that was left out on the walkway at my work. I fell pretty hard and cut my arm and leg up pretty bad. I went to my doctor and they had me on the fetal heart rate monitor and contraction monitor for about 6 hours. Thankfully, everything looks okay with the baby. I took a day off of work after my fall as I was in a lot of pain and couldn't bend my knee. My company rents a space out in the building. My HR rep said that I would have to use my own sick time or go unpaid as workman's comp only kicks in after 5 days. I'm pretty bummed about this as I am trying to save up my time for when I am on maternity leave and I can't really afford to take the day unpaid. I feel as though it's not right that I have to use my own time since I got hurt at work due to building negligence. It's not like I took the day off and went to the beach. Should I contact the building management and see if they offer some sort of resolution? If so, how should I word it? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!