subchorionic hemorrhage.


For my mommas that had this, how long did you bleed? Was it always red or brown? I just found out about a week ago I have this and Ive been bleeding on and off for the last week. It's mainly brown but occasionally pink. I haven't gotten my Medicaid packet just yet so I don't have a OB. I've been to the ER and they told me I was losing my baby (also told me I was measuring a full week behind what I should and that's "never good") I went to a different hospital and they found my baby with a heartbeat and a 2cm hemorrhage, they told me my levels are where they should be AND I'm only measuring 3 DAYS behind, not a week. This is my first pregnancy and I'm absolutely terrified I'll lose this baby. Can someone or anyone tell me your experience with subchorionic hemorrhage??