My rainbow is coming this spring 🌈👶🏽❤️

L 🤰🏻 • •Heart belongs to a state trooper 💙 •AGL 4-10-18 👶🏽💜🌈 •Bonus son- ELW 👦🏼💚 •EJW 6-2-20💓👶🏻

I still can't believe I got my BFP but I still Can't stop testing.. I had a MMC at 12 weeks and 4 days back in May. So I'm hoping and praying this baby sticks. I'm not telling anyone yet, my mother and the baby's father knows and I plan on keeping it on the low till I know things are going to be okay. I went and had blood work this morning and I'm currently 4 weeks & 1 day, still veryyy early .. due date is April 17th, 2018. But just to give you ladies some hope. I started testing with cheapies at 3dpo just for fun.. and I tested all the way to 11dpo which I tested with a first response that day and they were all negative.. not even a faint line.. so I stopped testing cause I knew AF was on her way. Well at 14dpo when AF was due.. she didn't come and I had this weird brown discharge 1 time like I did with my last pregnancy so I decided to test and it was positive! So don't give up ladies! Baby dust to all!