My horrible last two days

Cass • •Mrs. 💍 •27💕• 2/20/2011👦🏻, 12/14/17👧🏼, 1/6/20 👶🏼

Pregnancy emotion over drive the past two days, nothing but crying.. So let's start with my 6 years old cat, got out early morning and didn't come back until midnight, when he come back he had porcupine quills in his mouth area.. called the emergency line for vets to make sure he was okay over night, witch they said yeah to bring him in at 8:30 am. I took my 6 year old to my moms at 8am(so he didn't see his cat like this) come back so my husband and I can take the cat to the vet, we get the vet and into the room and my husband goes do you have your keys on you., I said nope in the car, he says fuck mine are too.. so we had to call our insurance to call a tow truck to unlock our car door. We have a membership with our insurance that pays for us to have roadside assistance.. so finally get that unlock and home, and my other cats are acting like Link is a new kitty in their house and freaking out. I want a break now... at least the vet didn't put him to sleep and we have to pay $400 plus to have him seen, instead they made it where we only paid $130 for a visit that lasted 10mins..

This is Link after he come back home and just relaxing