let me whine


let me just whine for a moment.. I'll start off by saying every child is a blessing and I cannot belive God is giving me a third.. that being said ..... we did not plan this pregnancy. I have a 4 year old and an almost 1 year old. I work 3Rd shift from home part time right now and get 0 sleep .. I also though it was a great idea to get a puppy a few months back... I am already tired and short on patience and this pregnancy is kicking. my. ass. I can't eat. I don't sleep. I'm moody band weepy. I have heartburn, even less energy, and can't breathe. ....I just saw an article about someone loving every moment of being pregnant and yes I think it is a complete miracle.. but it would also be a miracle if in could love every minute of this hell.. I am torn between wishing it was March and not knowing how I'm going to keep up with 3 kids... I just needed to vent.. #30weekstogo