Driving myself crazy!!


I need some advice or help is someone to tell me to shut up I'm going daft!! I found out I am pregnant with my rainbow baby, I got a scan last week at five weeks and the lady who did the scan told me everything is normal for how far on I am, plus my little bean has a heart beat and a very visible one at that. At the start of the year I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks which was due to undiagnosed type one diabetes. My diabetic nurse has told me that my hba1c is where it should be and my blood sugars are controlled great, I just can't help shake the feeling I'm going to go back at 7 weeks and be told bad news again! My so has told me to stop worrying everything will be fine because I'm in better health and everything is going well so far( apart from the nausea, fatigue and sore boobs lol) I'm honestly driving myself round the bend, constantly on the internet googling every possible scenario 😫😫!!