7 lbs 10 oz 20 inches long our baby boy made his appearance today after being induced at 4 am

7 lbs 10 oz 20 inches long our baby boy made his appearance today after being induced at 4 am. I pushed for an hour he got stuck his head bruised a bit but he came out after 4 pushes when my doctor came. We both had fevers his went away fast after birth mine did after 3 hours he breast fed and did skin to skin but had to be taken to nicu because his heart rate elevated during labor and he had a fever at birth said he has to stay 48 hours to get antibiotics and same with me as well if he is okay after 48 hours he can go but if not he will have to stay 7 days or longer depending on how things are. Sucks I just want to hold my little boy his dad barely got to hold him 😭 me and my husband need prayers for our little boy.