Feels like husband wants nothing to do with me!!

For the past few months my husband and I have been arguing quite a bit going to bed mad at each other like last night, he just seems to not care about our relationship and us having alone time, last night when I told our oldest daughter to go brush her teeth at 10-10:30pm he asked me why do you have her go to bed so early and I told him it's not early it's 1030 at night and I would like to have a little bit alone time with you and be able to enjoy watch TV and relax on the couch and he looked at me and said your home 24/7 you can do that when I'm not home I look at him and I'm like really with two kids home, having to clean the house do the dishes washed the clothes Feed both kids three times a day when do I have time to relax, so I asked him what you don't want to spend time with me and he said why would I want to do that and that right there just made so pissed off so I went to bed without saying goodnight or telling him what I was doing and made him make his own lunch for work cuz I guess that's all in good for him to get him a beer and make him food, we don't every really home sex already maybe 3 times a month and I'll tell you it ain't great sex 2-3 minutes and he's done.