Dear grandmother in law

Dear grandmother in law,

From the bottom of my heart, I hate you!

I tried for 7 years to love you or even have piece with you. But I hate you.

You used to make a lot of money and buy my husband away from his mom (who hates your guts too). Now you don't have money at all because you still blew money more than what was coming in. You call my husband every single months for thousands of dollars sometimes you need 5000 for a kitchen other times 2000 for bills and my husband gives it to you without blinking. All you say is how people are bad for him and he needs to move in with her. My husband is 35 and have been living on his own for 13 years we have been together for 7 and living together for 6.

She is 70 and delusional, she believes every freaking bullshit dream has a meaning all which includes my husband. For example my fathers dad (her son died) and she told my husband that her son(so his dad) appeared in her dreams to tell him to not spend time with his friends but to com live with her.

When Last week a rock hit my front shield she told my husband to tell me that I wasn't allowed to drive no more. Like mind your own business.

She believes the state is trying to kill her. No the state holds in your monthly funds because you have more than 50.000 in debts. Come on she is mentally ill and my husband laughs it off. I'm stuck with her spending my summer with her!

I know I'm supposed to let this negative feelings go but every day I hate her more