Create an Inspirational Chain Around the World

Sara • #Godisgreat

You always see these people in the world, upset because of something little or big that happened. I want to spread the love of Christ and bring people together in fellowship and I want others to help me. I've been texting my friends every day for the past couple of days, around this time, an inspirational quote to uplift them and I want everyone who reads this post to text everyone they know an inspirational, loving quote every day for at least a week. Hopefully, this will make its way around the world, because too many people are torn down instead of brought up. I want to change that but I need everyone I know to help out. You don't have to be a Christian to spread love to others. Come on, girls! Spread the love!

Here's some quotes I've used so far to get you thinking, I don't mind if you use them!:

You're worth more than gold!

You are loved!

Have a blessed day!💜

Come on, everyone! Pitch in and help make the world a better place. It's time people stopped wishing the world was better and made it that. So let's all spread the love to everyone we know!!!