Spiritual Advice

So I need some help interpreting a dream. I'll start off by saying that sometime last year maybe after I visited China I became drawn to incense and I really enjoy the more bitter scents. I burned incense purely for the smell which would help me calm down. I find myself running to the incense every time I'm stressed, right now my favorite is sandalwood. Recently I've bought a lot more and I'm interested in the different properties of incense and what they're used for. Now I'm traveling again, in Europe, and I had dream where a man kept foreseeing things and giving me advice. The dream felt like months and every now and then the man would tell me something and it would happen. Then in my dream I bought a new type of incense and was burning it all the time. The man comes up to me with his eyes opened really wide and shakiness in his voice saying that the incense I was burning was summoning a demon. So I stopped burning incense. Later on in the dream I'm flirting with this girl (I'm gay btw) and we start kissing and she starts to take her clothes off. All of the sudden I get a vision of the man telling me that the girl was evil and having sex was the final step to bring the demon and I tried to get away but the demon kept going and as she was doing it she came out of the girl's body and when she finished she started killing me and I woke up. In Europe, I've been visiting a lot of Catholic Churches but inside I feel unwelcome because of my sexuality and even more cause of the dream. I always get nightmares overseas. I'm originally from the Caribbean and every time I visit I have a nightmare involving God or religion. This dream was a week ago and I forgot the about it until today I find myself reading about witchcraft because I feel a strong need to be spiritual but I find most religions extremely oppressive. What does this mean? Should I stop burning incense? I don't want to