should I work?


I'm in a relationship with my man, we've been in a good steady relationship for an ongoing year and a half. in the time that we've been together we've both always worked. He's always had a constant job. He's just that kind of man. He was raised the old way. A man works and provides and the woman stayed home and keeps the house affairs in order. Well I was raised that you need to be strong and independents, and provide for yourself. A man and a woman both need to work together at work and at home and have a shared income. Well, recently I had to quit my job due to complications with the job. And I was sitting in bed filling out an application, and he looked at me and was like. "You know.. You don't have to work. I make enough to support us." He's always been supportive. if I wanted a job be would support that, but if I wanted to stay home, he would provide for me regardless. I just don't want to be precived as being with him for money, or taking advantage of him in anyway... I just don't know what I want to do. I like, the idea of staying home, but I also like my own money.. advice would be appreciated.