Was I molested? Confused and hurt.

Okay, so I've never told anyone about this because I've been super ashamed and felt gross because of it. When I was 7 or 8 (I can't remember exactly) my brother who would have been 13 or 14 convinced me to do sexual things. It started with him showing me his penis and then he would make me show him my vagina. Eventually he started touching me and would rub his penis around my genitals (it was never full blown sex and my parents were always gone, obviously). I somehow knew it was wrong at the time, but I didn't know what exactly it was that he was doing. This went on for a few months, probably, then nothing happened again. I never thought much of it and kind of forgot about it until last year (I'm only 15). I feel like I'm in denial about what happened. He was my best friend until then; we spent tons of time together at my grandma's house and stuff. I feel betrayed and I think it affects my relationships with other boys that I go to school with, even if we're just friends. I hate it when he comes home from college and I don't want to talk to him or live in the same house. I feel disgusting when I'm around him. I'm not sure if he even remembers doing it. I can't tell my mom or other older siblings because I feel uncomfortable talking about it. It's very weird and hard writing about it right now. Sorry this was so long.