Idk anymore..

I have been with my now husband for 10yrs. Married 6 the first 5 yrs well 6 with the inclusion of the year we were engaged he has cheated on me (I did not know he cheated while we were engaged till 3yrs after marriage) we have separated 3 times but each time after about 6months he always "gets me back" as some people would say. We are coming up on our 7th married year. And though it's been a year since he last cheated I am running on almost E on this gas tank.

You know how some people may mess up and then treat you like a golden peddle stool to make up for all the wrong and things just go right after that. Well this is the opposite. He is never home due to putting work first. His helps around the house is none existing and again because of his job he has not been there to see our child grow let alone have a relationship with her. To top it off with a cherry I have stopped my complete career life the moment we got married to support his career. We are not intimate haven't for 9 months (once every 3months, I've been marking it) I am just tired drained and emotionally and mentally damaged. Even with all this I still but my heartache aside and be the best wife I can be. But I am starting to feel at my wits end. I've been having some family tell me to leave him this past month. Telling me there is no point in staying with someone who doesn't even practice trying to re-fix anything that he has broken. And I am just at a cross roads if I leave where do I go? Will I ever start school? How will I take care of my little? Just simple questions that cross me mind. Idk. I guess since I don't have friends I'd rant on here. Thank to anyone who reads.