Is this just the fourth leap or is something wrong?


My 4.5 month old is ten days away from finishing the fourth leap and the last four days she has had very little interest in my breastmilk. She'll feed for ten minutes (every 3 hours like usual) and then anything after that is a fight. After ten minutes she pulls off and turns her head away, and if I try to coax her to have more she screams and arches away. It's not wind or reflux, either. She's just fighting me and I don't know why. My boobs feel full and when I squeeze my nipple the milk comes squirting out. I'm scared that if she keeps going like this my milk supply will drop and dry up. Not to mention I don't know how she can possibly be getting enough nutrients with such little milk (she previously fed for 30-50 mins each feed). What is going on???