Dear Harrison,

I would have married you. I would have become your wife, cooked your meals, cleaned your house and your uniform, had your babies, cheered you on, sat by the phone awaiting a five-minute talk from a private number, waited for you every time you came back from deployment and practically knocked you down just to hug you for the first time in a year. I would have given my everything to you. Elizabeth Kelly.... I always thought that had a nice ring to it.

I'll admit, when we first started dating, it was only because I loved your cousin and didn't want to disappoint her and you reminded me of the guy who I had been in love with for 4 years by then. But the longer we were together, the more I started to love you for you. We used to go on Chinese food dates and sing stupid duets in the car even though your voice was horrendous and hold hands to swing your little sister when we walked and laugh when people told us our "daughter" was cute. We used to hang out on base and make the boys watch Switched At Birth, and they used to make fun of us until they started watching it with us and screamed "Bemmett forever!" whenever it came on and would say "I've just got something in my eye" when the episodes were so good they had us in tears. We used to go to the shooting range together and I would crack up laughing when you couldn't shoot a bow and you would be trying so hard not to smile when I fell back from the kick of the gun and you had to catch me. We used to lay on the couch with your mom and watch Grey's Anatomy and you would fix us hot chocolate after it was over because we were either laughing or crying. Your mom used to call me Lizzard and make me call her Mom because she could tell I was "the one". I was so sure.

And then you broke my heart. She was a beautiful girl, I'll give you that, but why would you do that to me? If you liked her so much, why wouldn't you just break up with me and ask her to marry you? Yes it still would've hurt, but less so than finding out your fiancé was dating another girl!

Moe was so sweet. She became my best friend, and we broke up with you together. We wrote a joint letter and mailed it and my ring back to you. You were deployed, but we didn't care; you deserved some of our pain. But you destroyed her, Harry. I was hurt, but Moe was a goner. She started drinking and smoking and doing drugs and sleeping with everything that moved. She even tried to make a move in me, because then maybe she'd feel closer to you.

Do you know she almost killed herself because of you, Haz? Did you know the full extent of what you did to her?

You never deserved her. You never deserved either of us, but you really never deserved Moe. She loved you. She would have died for you, almost did die for you.

And once I told you I would never get back with you even if Hell froze over, you went back to her. You apologized, you told her you loved her, you bought her a hundred roses, you even got her a new ring. You said all the right things and after a few months at rehab, she forgave you. Moe forgave you, the only man she had ever loved, the man who had nearly killed her. You married her, knocked her up, forced her to stay out of school and be available for you 24/7. Moe had dreams of being a doctor, did you know that? She could have saved thousands of lives, but you just kept making her carry your babies. And you didn't even love her, because you kept messaging me and telling me you loved me and trying to cheat on her with me. You wanted to cheat on your WIFE with your EX-FIANCÉE. There is no world where that makes sense.

I sent her your messages, tried to get her to get away from you. But you had my best friend brainwashed against me by then, maybe to get back at me for not sleeping with you. Moe told me I was just jealous because she "gets it every night" and she's the one who got "wifed". She cussed me out and then blocked me, so I have no idea how she's doing now. For all I know, you could've killed her. Even while you were killing her, I'm sure she would have trusted you 1000%.

I am ashamed to say I ever loved you. I'm ashamed to say I ever thought I could spend my life with you. I'm ashamed to say I couldn't help Moe from being used by you.

But what I learned from your experience is that just because you think you know someone doesn't mean you actually do. Before getting married, make sure you've seen both sides of the person.

FYI, both sides of you are fucking UGLY 🖕🏼