Dear Sam

I'm over you and everything you did to me. I was angry at you for a long time, but now I'm over it.

You bullied me. You were my best friend, but you made fun of me constantly. You made fun of my clothes, made new friends and ignored me, told people my secrets, always reminded me I was a "little kid" to you (even though you were only a year older), always made me feel like I was worthless and needed you to guide me.

You dated a guy. You broke with said guy. Then you watched as he dated me to get back at you, even though you didn't care. You watched him dump me and tell me he never liked me anyway, and you laughed when you saw my feelings got hurt. I bet you laughed at what he did to me, too, just because you did it and thought I, the ugly friend, should enjoy some action.

After that, you became really good friends with one of the girls I rode on the bus with and had classes with. I complained about you in confidence, and she ratted to you, who then proceeded to cuss me and block me. That was the last time you ever spoke to me.

You were a learning experience, Samantha. You were first person to teach me that "best friends forever" and "I love you" could be lies. You taught me that I deserve more than people who treat me like shit. You taught me that I can't please everyone, no matter how hard I try, and that some people aren't worth my time.

By now you're probably knocked up and undereducated, so I guess it's true then; in the end, good always wins.