My boyfriend bailed on me again

My boyfriend and I live separately right now, so when we are hanging out at his place and he's tired, he can never just say "hey I think I'm gonna go to sleep." Like I'll leave if he said that..but instead he says stuff like "I'm tired tonight, but tomorrow I'll make it up to you with a date". But i've learned by now he just says stuff like that to get me to leave. Anyway, long story short, I was promised a dinner tonight, (because last night he was too tired) and after hours of getting ready and waiting for him to get off work, he was "too tired to take me out and would make it up to me tomorrow". I am 8 months pregnant and hate even moving, but I spent my afternoon actually dressing up and putting on makeup because I never do. I wasn't going to let it go to waste though...I treated myself out to dinner and shopping. Tomorrow I think Im going to be "too tired" if he tries to make dinner up to me🤷🏻‍♀️

PS: We have been together for 4 years, so I guess he thinks date nights shouldn't be a thing anymore because we haven't been out in FOREVER. All he ever wants to do is sleep or sit at his house if he's not working. The only time he says he'll take me to dinner is when he's trying to get me to go home..which he just says never happens. Last night, he knew I'd been wanting to go out, so he said "Let's go somewhere", grabbed my keys, put on his shoes and then when we got out to my car he handed me my keys and said "Okay see you tomorrow!" So he literally just said that to get me out of his house. Hes gotten my hopes up too many times and Im not having it anymore.