I need some help with anniversary ideas


Okay so October 28th will be my fiance & my 2 years however we both work. So I was going to have him take off that Monday when I do not work & take him to a resort with a hotel & a nice pool & have a night to ourselves. well here's the thing, we would have to get the room Sunday night which I realized I work that night until 3am. monday is the only day we'd have someone to watch our son who is 11 weeks right now. so I gave up on that idea.. so I need to figure out what else I can do! I wanted have a romantic kinda night where it's just him & I but obviously that can't happen. so I was thinking maybe going somewhere & spending the day together but I have no idea what to do. hes into cars & what not so I was thinking a go kart track but that just doesn't seem right for an anniversary.. that would be more of a birthday present I feel like because he'd enjoy it more than I would. I'm just stuck on what to do & kinda upset my plans wouldn't work out. does anyone else have any ideas?