TTC #1 over 35


Hi! My name is Janette. I am 39 and TTC #1. My DH and I have been trying for 12 cycles now. This will be my first cycle taking Clomid. Fertile window is now, AF due around Sept. 4. It's been a discouraging road so far. It's hard when you are supposedly doing everything "right" and nothing is happening. My hope breaks a little more every month, but the key is it's still there! For you praying sisters out there, please say one for me. Thank you!!

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I am also 39 and ttc #1. This is around a year for me too. My cycle is a little different- AF due this Wednesday and I'm crossing my fingers. Don't be discouraged! It is normal for it to take over a year at this stage in our lives. I am really attached to getting pregnant this cycle because it will work out great for me and my husband. He is a teacher so he has summers off. I'm trying to let it all flow and not get attached to this one ideal outcome. I can definitely relate to your disappointment, but we will get there!


Rochel • Aug 24, 2017
I'm surprised I didn't test today but I am hoping I will wait until Friday. Glow says I should start today but tomorrow will be day 28. I really want to hold out until I am truly late. I might not be able to stand it though! How about you?


Janette • Aug 23, 2017
Are you going to test early or try to hold it?


Rochel • Aug 22, 2017
Aww, I hope this is your month! Maybe the clomid will do the trick! Fingers crossed!


Posted at
My AF is due 9/4 too! Baby dust to you


Janette • Aug 21, 2017
Yes! you too!