Needing advice


Okay ladies this morning i woken up to my tummy feeling a bit uncomfortable it felt like my baby was balling up. So i went to the restroom and it helped a little bit and then it stopped. So after i got my son on the bus for school i went to lay back down then i started to notice i was having menstrual like cramps that started to go into my back and i was having a bit of pain in my vagina i tried timing them but i couldn't since it didn't feel like waves to me so i went to sleep hoping ill feel better when i woke back up I'm still feeling crampy and now my back is hurting a but more. it was more intense this morning with the cramps but now its more my back. But its not unbearable its just really uncomfortable.. This morning i felt i was getting wet down there but nothing was there. Im confused at what maybe going on. Does this sound normal to you ladies or should i be worried im only 31 weeks