I’m scared to become a mom

Destynee • PCOS • 2 natural born • pregnant with our letrozole baby🤍

For the first time yesterday I think it hit me that in a month and a half (or less) I’m going to be a mom. I’ll have a baby that cries and I’M the one that has to calm him down and figure out what he needs. Of course my husband will help as much as he can but I’ll be home with the baby and he will be at work. Also I plan on breast feeding and all I hear people say is it’s somewhat hell because they just want you all the time for comfort. I’m afraid I won’t be me anymore and I’ll just be miserable or I’ll end up getting PPD. We tried for a year for this little guy and now that he is about to be here I just kind of feel in shock I guess. Please tell me I’m not the only one feeling this way. I’m beyond excited to be a mom but I am most scared because my whole life’s axis will be changed and I will revolve around a child, my child, from then on. I don’t know how to adjust.