At the hospital,. Updated

Alyssia • Soon to be wife to the love of my life, FTM to a beautiful baby girl, blessed ❤️

I am 11 weeks & 5 days pregnant, I'm at the hospital because Sunday night my fingers were so swollen I cut my finger trying to get my rings off, I felt weak, dizzy and terrible and it's Thursday and only gotten worse, my boyfriend is here with me and being supportive but he has been up since 4 am because of work and he has to be up at 4 tomorrow too and I just need some one to talk to.. they found blood in my urine and I am freaking out, I never do this but prayers are appreciated,

Update: we left the hospital around 11/12 I was so dehydrated they had blood in my urine and I was so dizzy because my blood pressure was so low and they said I did to eat drink & relax a lot more,... thank you all so much for your kind and reassuring words 💕