Mental illness : spiraling out of control.

I posted something about a month ago. Since then, a lot has happened. The poor kid has been obsessed with me for a whole month and a half. Even kept harassing me with Unknown caller ID calls (can't block these apparently ) and since I was not picking up he sent a suicide threat. I have been sleeping very poorly since all of this started and it might have impaired my jugement because after one more sleepless night wonder if, contrary to people who are not medicated mental illness sufferers, he was more likely to harm himself for good, I ran out of my place when the sun rose to go near his (10 min away ) to check if he was alive. Did send a text to a pal before going. When T saw me, after begging me to stay and be with him, he tried dragging me off the street to take me inside. Grabbed me by the sling bag I was carrying and the only way I could free my arm and run was by leaving the bag behind. The police has been involved but they are saying they can't force gim to take his meds or to see a doctor. He returned the bag so the charges won't stick. They told me they have more important things to do tgan taking care of this. While he had the bag he found my main phone number. The only way I could get him to ease up was to unblock him on whatsapp. But it didn't work for long so I blocked him again. We live in the same area so when I saw him in the street the other day he followed me around and tried to block my path. I had to run into a store. He's not feeling well, I can see that. His family won't help medically. He finally found where I live and showed up on my doorstep yesterday during a tropical storm. I called the police. The patrol car they promised never came. He stayed around banging on my door or sitting in the rain, pleading that he wanted to be with me. I feel horrible. If it was just me I wouldn't push a guy away just because he's mentally ill but I have two kids and he's too unpredictable as far as I know, for me to let him get close to me (and therefore my kids). Oh and here they don't issue restraining orders like in the U.S. I just wish someone who's legally abilitated would take him to the hospital.