Oh god, what do I do??

My husband has been out of town for the past 6 weeks and just got back last night, when he went to bed I had this feeling like I needed to look at his phone.. I've always trusted him before then. Well first thing I find is where he's been looking up mostly naked women on Instagram, I get a little pissed but decide I guess that's better that he was handling his loneliness by himself..

But THEN, I see where this mf is looking on backpage.com and Craigslist for women to hook up in the area!

I look and look, try to find proof that he actually met up with one of these women, but the closest I got was all his emails (and trash email) was emptied except for an email in his Spam box from one of the women asking why he hadn't responded yet.

I woke him up and asked him why he was searching for women and he just said he was too tired to talk and rolled over.

Guys, I'm supposed to be moving out of state with him TODAY. That's why he came back it to collect me and the baby and our things. What the hell do I do?? I haven't even gotten a proper conversation out of him. And I doubt he'll admit to hooking up with anybody. Ughh, why is this happening now 😭😭


He has admitted to looking at the pages but not to actually meeting up with someone. He's taking me to breakfast right now to talk about it and discuss our options moving forward (if I'll move with him or not). I'm still just so heartbroken that he would even search.. I feel so little and betrayed now.