Help...! Is this normal?!? OB Gives me no answers...

Lydia • 19yo Momma of a handsome baby boy (surprise gender, waited till birth) 10 hour labor 💙 Born 09/06/17 7lbs 1oz 19 1/2 inches 12:44am Breast-Feeding Cloth Diapering Baby Wrapping

For the past few days I've been having like.. severe sharp shooting stabbing pains in my cervix/pelvic/abdominal area...

Finally yesterday they got SO BAD I went to the OB and they said they were catching contractions, but no dilation, so they sent me home.

Still having contractions and those pains now... I still feel like something could be wrong... they didn't do an ultrasound or anything, just the heart monitor and cervix check..

the baby's heartbeat got up to 170, and down to 89 last night with the monitor, but they didn't say anything about it.

I'm 36 weeks, I've had preterm labor that was stopped at 23 weeks.

These sharp pains hurt when I lay down, worse when I walk and go up the stairs (bathroom is upstairs) and nothing helps!

I drink nothing but a TON of water a day (and the occasional cup of coffee because I have 3 nieces and nephew to care for on some days as I live with my sister)

They don't seem worried, but I feel like something could be wrong...

Could the baby be trying to go lower into my pelvis but is having trouble and that's why I'm in pain and having contractions with no cervical change??

Please let me know if these pains are normal, or if I should be as concerned as I am!!