To doula or not to doula?

Ok, so I am 38 weeks and 2 days. Pretty late in the game to be getting a doula- I know. But a friend of mines mother needs two more births for her doula certification and she's going to do this for free. I'm ok with allowing it, but I have never even met the woman. Also there are a lot of natural ways to go through pregnancy and birth, but I personally will be having a general hospital birth and receiving an epidural. The only thing I even have questions about would be delayed cord clamping, immediate bathing vs running in vernix, things like that. Pros and cons of all the options. My pregnancy has been healthy and I've been blessed- no midnight trips to ER, no high blood pressure, no strep, no GD. I've been very lucky. I have aches and pains but they're normal. The only reason i am a little excited about her being there for the birth is because my dr doesn't take me seriously... she's checked my cervix twice but has never even spoken the word "effacement" to me. I began my pregnancy at 120 and I was 150 at my 38 week appointment. Earlier in my pregnancy when I was at about 135, I asked my doctor is that was ok (according to online calculators, it was) and she said "um, it's a little more than I was expecting, but you did stop working out!" ... I was at least 28 weeks along at that point and it kind of hurt my feelings but idk she just wants whats best. When I tell her of my pains or anything, she brushes them off as normal, which I'm sure they are- but it's frustrating. My spots are very impersonal, get there early, wait until 15 minutes after schedules appt (at least), go sit in the room for another 15, nurse takes my BP, then wait on dr to come do heartbeat and measurements. If I have any questions, answers are vague and doctors are unconcerned because my pregnancy has been so smooth. So I'm happy that I will have a doula to help take me seriously and make the doctors do so as well. I've already told her that she can do it, but I'm a little nervous about having someone I dont know trying to calm me. Especially since my birth experience is just "average"... can anyone help settle my anxiety over this?!

Update: im not saying that my delivery will be easy just bc my pregnancy was smooth. But I am saying that I trust the doctors judgement for the most part. And I don't want any judgement from a doula for not taking a more "natural" route.. the whole experience is very personal, and I just don't know if I'm making a mistake by allowing a strangers opinion in on the delivery room..

Update 2********: I have the doula and I am fearing that I'm being judged for my choices..she has a very natural approach and I'm really not opposed to medical intervention in the same way she is. Plus I feel like I'm really going to want my mom there more than the doula. At this point she is definitely going to be there but I don't think she will be much of a help honestly.. she is thinking I will be in labor at my house for hours before I go to the hospital (which I will) but is thinking that I will be taking hot baths, trying positions, bouncing on a ball, etc. I don't want to get sent home from the hospital but I want to get there as soon as I can. So far she is amazingly nice but I don't want something forced on me that I'm not comfortable with, and I feel kind of bad for springing this on my doctor at 39 weeks. It's just a little weird to have someone joining in and trying to have a say on my birth plan when I'm so close to having my baby.