Baby name HELP

I need advice from my mamas on here who may have gone through the same situation as me or can give me a view point from their side. It's a long story so get ready.

I just found out I'm having a baby girl! I am so so excited and found the perfect name for her. Anyways, the name I chose is a name from a story my mom used to tell me about when she was at the beach with my older cousin and they were talking about it she ever had another girl (after she had me and my sister) and told my cousin what she would name her 3rd baby girl. My cousin (who's 15 years older than me) at the time was only 10-12 and said to her no no auntie I want to name my baby that!!

Fast forward years later, my cousin in that story never ended up naming her baby girl that BUT did have it as one of the names she picked for her daughter and when she didn't use it I was like THEN IM STEALING IT! Because I have always been in love with the name.

So the thing about it is, my cousin has a younger sister who is pregnant with me and she is also having a girl. I found out that she is now naming her daughter the same name I picked and we are kinda close cousins. I expressed to her that I totally loved that name too but now there feels like awkward tension about the name. She says I can do what I wanna do and they obviously wouldn't have the same middle name. I have had the hardest time trying to keep my options open and look for other names but my husband is in love with the name we picked. So I guess I'm wondering what would you do? Would you just name your daughter the same name as your cousin and have the both of them grow up with the same name? Is that too weird? I just am so discouraged but I'm so in love with the name I can't part ways with it.