Bravery with bigotry

Mia Jordan 💫🦊✨🌙 • ~I got that bi pride 😍👅🌈~ If you're clicking on this profile I'm assuming it's because you're sensitive and I triggered you, oops :) 🖌art hogh🖌 🏨Future RN🏨 🐶dog enthusiast🐕 🗡horror movies🎃

**I saw this picture on Facebook and it really amazed me. This woman was willing to sacrifice her own safety to protect a racist bigot who hates her and her race. The bravery in one image gave me chills. Thoughts on this picture?*** 18-year-old Keshia Thomas protects a fallen man believed to be associated with the Ku Klux Klan, from an angry mob of anti-clan protestors in Michigan, 1996.